Sunday, March 11, 2012

You’re not a Friend, You’re a Parent

Yesterday I had to go to a local mall for the first time in about 3 years. Mind you I hate malls, too many people, everything is too overpriced and I see things that make me wonder what is wrong with society today. Well the last part is the topic for this I was at the mall attending a birthday party for one of my cousin’s daughter, which I honestly didn’t know you could have a birthday party in the mall but that neither here nor there when a family sat down close to our party. I about came unglued when I saw one of the boys shirts. This kid was at the oldest 13 years old and he had a shirt on that read “Sexy and I know it”. What parent in their right mind is going to buy that shirt for 13 year old, much less let them wear it in public. The only reason I could think of was that this was probably another case of a parent trying to be a friend first, parent second to this child. Most of you who will read this know, I am not a parent so I should not be one who is giving out parenting advice, but I do have enough uncommon sense to know what not to do. I call it uncommon sense because the more I see the more I realize that common sense isn’t common anymore. From what I could tell, the parent that was with kid who I saw was probably the dad. To me that is what makes it even worse that the kid was allowed to wear that shirt. What would that dad think if one of these sicko’s that like to prey on small children was at this mall and decided that in his sick twisted mind that the kids shirt was right and he should take him and see? I am sure the dad would be angered and wonder why his son was taken by the sicko. Well dad, the answer is simple, you let your child go to a mall with thousands of people in it advertising that he is “sexy and he knows it”.  All I am saying is parents if you want your child to grow up, be a man or woman that people respect, quit trying to raise a best friend and raise a child. Your children will be thankful for it later. Till next time….

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